11 Mar 2014

Roswell Was In Fact A Real Saucer! Claims Witness

In a world where media and movie corps produce alien-saucer type film some depicting demonic creatures while others create movies of Heavenly beings who are spiritually enlightened with gifts of knowledge to
improve mankind.
If there are demonic creatures in space Im quite sure there is enlightened beings who are of a clean out spree of those of deception.
Spiritually enlightened beings have not been mentioned in any abduction details while the small grays are.

Saucers might have belonged to the small grays, and in 1947 when the military says they captured and actual flying saucer!
 They conducted a calculated survey of the object to come to that conclusion that shortly afterwards they say it was a weather balloon ! yet a weather balloon usually does not be recovered as the data was downloaded, but when they do recover, it takes under one hour with no security personnel.
Roswell on the other hand took weeks to recover with mass security and threats to witnesses explaining ET bodies to keep quiet or else. 

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