9 Mar 2014

10 Facts About UFO's And Their Identities

Far may years man has looked to the skies and noticed things that the depicted on rock and sketch.
In many Biblical pictures there is evidence of flying saucers and spiritually enlightened people.
Here is a list of 10 UFO's you should know about!
1. The Flying Saucer - Disc Shaped in appearance and metalic in nature.
2. The Egg Shape - Many sightings have been reported of bright eggs in the skies.
In the bible there is one which shows a humanoid being in the skies of a biblical Picture.
3. The Cigar Shaped UFO - Seen all around the world and recorded by many,
There is a Russian Mig chasing one on YouTube.
4. The Triangular Craft - Recorded at day and at night! Best captured using high tech night vision,
Sightings in the UK are more to be triangular in nature, especially the Manchester footage,
5. The Orb! A bright glowing ball of light,
And if this light stops and turns! It's a ufo.
6. Fireball UFO's: Reported not as a meteor by a hovering blob of heat which drops molten sparks.
7. Scout Alien Intelligent probes - Harmless but im military usages it for was spying.
8. Unconventional Craft - Very rigid and un aerodynamic in nature.
9, Mile Long Crafts: Pilot reports UFO;s larger than a mile long and circular-Cigar shaped in nature on multiple occasions.

What Is Your Thoughts On These?

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