16 May 2014

UFO Destroys Russian Photon Rocket (VIDEO) May 2014

A new video has surfaced online showing a Russian Photon Rocket being destroyed by a bright
object which passed the rocket at high altitude and zaps it with something making it non functional.
There has been no report by Russia so far yet Russia are the country most likely going to spill the beans about UFOs before any other country. It looks like our visitors are ET and they are showing us a message! Worldwide sightings this week show an intense level of videos and reports of the same type craft, the last time there was so much activity was in the Early 50's, are aliens back because they sense a conflict between Russia and the U.S is escalating into a huge Billion death World War? I think world governments knew they are returning, all leaders looked really depressed this year, no smiles and ear pieces for corrections, are they distracted by what they knew was coming? These aliens think they are stopping a nuclear disaster but they might be destroying important new satellites or destroying anything that goes to space.

What do you think these aliens are doing?

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