15 May 2014

Government Are In Critical Stages Of False Alien UFO Attack (Video)

Carol Rosin has publicly acknowledged that there is a weaponization of space program and it is to protect us from a false flag UFO attack by ET craft, Human Craft really, on the human population.

This video and her acknowledgement are one of many of the same words expressed by many top generals and even presidents! She says Russia started the space program with the US followed by and clearly states its all a lie to unite humanity. She also states we need to rid the oil tycoons and move to free energy to same our planet and keep diversity to all who lives on the planet.

Below is a video which can relate to that of Carol's story but this is from President Regan at the United Nations stating we need to unite if there was a universal threat, a threat he knows is fake! The UN currently have an ambassador to UFO contact and a centered seat in its powerhouse.

There is a coverup, there is a story, there is Weapons in space! We have begun the production of energy weapons and weather weapons, below is a video of a UFO out in space recorded by NASA which clearly shows a flying saucer being shot at by a high energy burst which came from central Australia - U.S Navy base

What do you think the world governments are planning? And do you trust your government?

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