14 Jun 2014

Flying Saucer Appears On Russian TV By Mistake June 2014

A Russian TV network was hosting an interview and while live a flying saucer UFO shoots across the sky
in the background. Low flying and rapidly moving the object disappears behind a building before the recording ends. For copyright purposes only there was editing to hide the faces of those in the video.
For this to be on Russian TV and there was orb sightings in Russia recently posted by us! Has Russia unleashed its secret technology? They did say they would bring their secret military craft to public viewing and that the US should follow in doing so with their craft. 9 trillion dollars are missing from the Federal Reserve and that money could build another America from scratch so whatever price it costs to make these new secret craft witch might be anti gravity levitating craft, they glow like a star at high altitude and lower they look like big orbs because they use so much energy a second freely that the air around the craft heats up and starts to glow. This video is a daytime video and clearly it's flying in such a straight line it could not have been thrown as we have tested this many times to help us pic the real videos.

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