Mankind an Intelligent species that has jumped from boiling steam engines to creating the" Hadron Collider" a gigantic machine which creates its very own micro universes for us to study through super non commercial high tech Camera sensor equipment.
Where did the jump really begin within this last few years and why is there no scientists being labeled in the same category as Einstein for inventing something even Einstein himself would fail to do!
All this technology and the only scientists getting any credit are the "Original" scientists from the Light bulb days!
Could mankind be given technology which is low key ancient aliens text which is replicated and this means there is no Earthly inventor to label the inventor!
Its only one mind that imagines an Idea! But could one mind actually persuade world governments to fund the Hadron Collider on one mans Idea that sticking million's of parts together bit by bit under ground in a circular 27km/kilometer tunnel and make them donate an extra bunch of wizz kids to help you complete it?
As we all know and understand! Secret books just appear out of nowhere in the highest Universities that learn the physics of today and the possibilities of advancements in the same knowledge also!
These books do pop up with stuff that nobody has learnt before apart from its secret creator many of which never be found by name! Why?
Technology is getting so advanced with no recognized inventors taking praise on these advancements that soon enough! We will be the ones looking closely at other planets with lighted Cities and it becomes the benefactor for a world anouncemant by the U.S state government to stand high and be the nation to do so.
We would react totally different to that of being told flying saucers are everywhere and get into a panic!
Knowing there is intelligent life on other planets just by notifying that the latest satellite has captured these amazing pictures! The public would be in awe and their conciousness opens up creating a new sense of life, one they doubted for many years!
We are on the pinicle tip of a revolution, a jump so far its beyond our imagionation, and it could possibly be in our own life span.
Written By: UFODI
Where did the jump really begin within this last few years and why is there no scientists being labeled in the same category as Einstein for inventing something even Einstein himself would fail to do!
All this technology and the only scientists getting any credit are the "Original" scientists from the Light bulb days!
Could mankind be given technology which is low key ancient aliens text which is replicated and this means there is no Earthly inventor to label the inventor!
Its only one mind that imagines an Idea! But could one mind actually persuade world governments to fund the Hadron Collider on one mans Idea that sticking million's of parts together bit by bit under ground in a circular 27km/kilometer tunnel and make them donate an extra bunch of wizz kids to help you complete it?
As we all know and understand! Secret books just appear out of nowhere in the highest Universities that learn the physics of today and the possibilities of advancements in the same knowledge also!
These books do pop up with stuff that nobody has learnt before apart from its secret creator many of which never be found by name! Why?

We would react totally different to that of being told flying saucers are everywhere and get into a panic!
Knowing there is intelligent life on other planets just by notifying that the latest satellite has captured these amazing pictures! The public would be in awe and their conciousness opens up creating a new sense of life, one they doubted for many years!
We are on the pinicle tip of a revolution, a jump so far its beyond our imagionation, and it could possibly be in our own life span.
Written By: UFODI
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