31 Dec 2013
UFODI,s Best UFO Nightvision Compilation Ever Made!
UFODI vote this the best ever night vision compilation of spirits-Orb-UFO's
30 Dec 2013
UFODI News: UFO Follows Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Over Abaco Bahamas 23rd Dec 2013
Witness Statement: Witnessed this just after sunset around 5:45 in the Bahamas on the 3rd of December 2013, during our holiday to the Bahamas.
So what was it? we would like to hear your oppinion!
29 Dec 2013
The First Documented Alien-UFO Attack On Mass Civilians
Was it Aliens? Or was it something more logic like Flying saucer with Humans depicting Aliens?
This event really happened and the military sat back and let it happen! The Military Generals and Comanders took detailed descriptions of all the Unidentified Flying Objects instead of protecting its citizens.
Notifying state media of a mass hillucination of over 200 people is mere silly way of admitting the event really happened, people were flocking in with pedator style lazer burns contaminated with "RADIATION" resulting in severe casualties and even death.
We all might sit back and think on this story! If fully viewed you will indeed find the facts mind blowing!
It Looks Manmade! But This UFOs Speed Is Impossible! Is It?
A video showing a rather manmade UFO over a river in Italy is doing its rounds on YouTube and gaining a lot of possitive comments apart from the publisher has added music over the actual video!
The object enters the scene from the beginning of the scene hovering in a static "electromagnetic balancing" possition while using thruster type navegators for directions relating to an earthly inventor apart from one thing! The end scene shows something we are being told we cannot do! or can we?
(((Ovnis locura en Santiago de Chile panico hoy))) 18 de Diciembre 2012 ...
Just three days to the end of the Mayan calandar, and with time being minipulates by seasons, add an hour was first for a good while before we started taking back an hour in winter!
This UFO event has to be linked to Dec 21st 2012, have a look, whats your oppinion?
28 Dec 2013
UFODI News: UFO Breaks Physics Law Over Belfast "TWICE" In One Day
What are they? Where do they come from?
The human race have been looking to the skies for thousands of years, drawing and depicting strange objects on rock and books which show objects at speed which move with intelligence controlling them.
One of the many ancient text drawings showing Intelligence controlled craft
Now we ask you to study these two amazing videos both recorded over the Blacks Road area of West Belfast and give your opinions on what this object could possibly be!
Video 1: UFO Disc Shooting Off In Broad Daylight
Hangling in the skies at over 20.000ft, a mysterious disc shaped circular object tilts on its side and shoots of at speeds we have never witnessed from our known aircraft knowledge! What was it?
Video No:2 UFO Disc Appears Over Belfast N.I
Please comment and leave your oppinion of these videos!
The human race have been looking to the skies for thousands of years, drawing and depicting strange objects on rock and books which show objects at speed which move with intelligence controlling them.
One of the many ancient text drawings showing Intelligence controlled craft
Now we ask you to study these two amazing videos both recorded over the Blacks Road area of West Belfast and give your opinions on what this object could possibly be!
Hangling in the skies at over 20.000ft, a mysterious disc shaped circular object tilts on its side and shoots of at speeds we have never witnessed from our known aircraft knowledge! What was it?
Please comment and leave your oppinion of these videos!
Video Proves UFO's Are More Advanced Than First Thought!
What was the mysterious object that broke all laws of physics over Belfast by shooting at speeds which would rip our bodies apart and possibly bind any human solid stricture into twisted scrap!
We have been taught to believe that these speeds are science fiction and now science fact! But arn't we all in a black opps media blackout on secret development?
If this craft is ours, why is its power source not being replicated for civilian purposes, free electricity and electric heating! No more Earth black blood sucking billionaires milking the public of precious money for heat and electricity, our money could lead to buying and spending more! Making the economy better!
If its Alien! You have absolutely nothing to worry about...
Your opinions only help to conclude the outcome! True of False
Mystery Over The Origon Of The Russian Flying Saucer
Flying Saucer Appears Near Power Lines In Russia 2013
A UFO "flying Saucer" appeared near an electricity pile-on transformer in rural Russia on a cold wintery day.
Studying the object the witness starts recording its movement which were sharp short bursts moving left,right, up and down zapping 10ft here and there all in the vicinity of high voltage powerlines.
Clearly in the video footage the object is of a solid "Mass" and keeps its solid possition hanging "Hovering" in the sky and also the shape of well documented Saucer descriptions which relate to high profile reports of the same object. So we have to come to a conclusion!
Is this a man made Russian experiment?
Or is it in fact a highly evolved entelligent species from another world?
Or is the footage currupted?
26 Dec 2013
Pilot Feared UFO Collision! Ducks for cover Inside Cabin
Recent report of a close encounter with ET have been spreading in the media recently after a pilot reported that he had to duck for cover at seing an object wiz past the cabing at high speed!
The captain was the pilot of an Airbus A320 and flying at an altitude of aproximately 34.000ft.
While going through system checks he glanced forwards out the view field and noticed this large oject approached at such a speed leaving him little time to do anything apart from duck only to realize it missed, He asked his crew deputy" Did you see that" only for his deputy to reply " See What.
The shock left him questioning if the craft was acually hit! Relating to strong belief in what he saw.
He reported the incedent to "Safety Watchdog at the UK Airprox Board" in Great Brittian.
Air China Airling Unexplained Collision With UFO
Thousands of comercial-military pilots have come forward and prossesed a detailed report relating to objects they witnessed in flight most reporting metalic objects some circular in nature from across the world many of which are over the U.S, UK, Russia and Isia, nations with nuclear power and nations with military might! There has been no reports of ET craft attacking our aviation crafts but plenty of reports of Earthly weapons being used on the ET's.
Written By: UFODI
The captain was the pilot of an Airbus A320 and flying at an altitude of aproximately 34.000ft.
While going through system checks he glanced forwards out the view field and noticed this large oject approached at such a speed leaving him little time to do anything apart from duck only to realize it missed, He asked his crew deputy" Did you see that" only for his deputy to reply " See What.
The shock left him questioning if the craft was acually hit! Relating to strong belief in what he saw.
He reported the incedent to "Safety Watchdog at the UK Airprox Board" in Great Brittian.
Air China Airling Unexplained Collision With UFO
Thousands of comercial-military pilots have come forward and prossesed a detailed report relating to objects they witnessed in flight most reporting metalic objects some circular in nature from across the world many of which are over the U.S, UK, Russia and Isia, nations with nuclear power and nations with military might! There has been no reports of ET craft attacking our aviation crafts but plenty of reports of Earthly weapons being used on the ET's.
Written By: UFODI
VIDEO!! Flying Saucer (UFO) Crashes And Explodes Into Hundreds Of Peaces In New Mexico
Footage of a flying disc UFO crashing over desert area in New Mexico has the online UFO community a Buzz!
Video: 1997 New Mexico UFO Crash!
The footage is very good footage a circular disc crashing and blowing up in a desert area of New Mexicp, in this footage the object is an acual Unidentified flying Object rotating and heavily heated to a glowing white, the object hits the surface and bounces hard before hitting the surface again causing parts to shoot everywhere glowing white hot!,
Studies show its speed was estimated to be around 700mph, 20ft wide and 7ft height.
Was there bodies? where are they? why was this not on media?
Its an interesting thought and maybe in the future this could become a reality.
The footage is very good footage a circular disc crashing and blowing up in a desert area of New Mexicp, in this footage the object is an acual Unidentified flying Object rotating and heavily heated to a glowing white, the object hits the surface and bounces hard before hitting the surface again causing parts to shoot everywhere glowing white hot!,
Studies show its speed was estimated to be around 700mph, 20ft wide and 7ft height.
Was there bodies? where are they? why was this not on media?
Its an interesting thought and maybe in the future this could become a reality.
The Human Reaction To UFO Disclosure And The Future
Mankind an Intelligent species that has jumped from boiling steam engines to creating the" Hadron Collider" a gigantic machine which creates its very own micro universes for us to study through super non commercial high tech Camera sensor equipment.
Where did the jump really begin within this last few years and why is there no scientists being labeled in the same category as Einstein for inventing something even Einstein himself would fail to do!
All this technology and the only scientists getting any credit are the "Original" scientists from the Light bulb days!
Could mankind be given technology which is low key ancient aliens text which is replicated and this means there is no Earthly inventor to label the inventor!
Its only one mind that imagines an Idea! But could one mind actually persuade world governments to fund the Hadron Collider on one mans Idea that sticking million's of parts together bit by bit under ground in a circular 27km/kilometer tunnel and make them donate an extra bunch of wizz kids to help you complete it?
As we all know and understand! Secret books just appear out of nowhere in the highest Universities that learn the physics of today and the possibilities of advancements in the same knowledge also!
These books do pop up with stuff that nobody has learnt before apart from its secret creator many of which never be found by name! Why?
Technology is getting so advanced with no recognized inventors taking praise on these advancements that soon enough! We will be the ones looking closely at other planets with lighted Cities and it becomes the benefactor for a world anouncemant by the U.S state government to stand high and be the nation to do so.
We would react totally different to that of being told flying saucers are everywhere and get into a panic!
Knowing there is intelligent life on other planets just by notifying that the latest satellite has captured these amazing pictures! The public would be in awe and their conciousness opens up creating a new sense of life, one they doubted for many years!
We are on the pinicle tip of a revolution, a jump so far its beyond our imagionation, and it could possibly be in our own life span.
Written By: UFODI
Where did the jump really begin within this last few years and why is there no scientists being labeled in the same category as Einstein for inventing something even Einstein himself would fail to do!
All this technology and the only scientists getting any credit are the "Original" scientists from the Light bulb days!
Could mankind be given technology which is low key ancient aliens text which is replicated and this means there is no Earthly inventor to label the inventor!
Its only one mind that imagines an Idea! But could one mind actually persuade world governments to fund the Hadron Collider on one mans Idea that sticking million's of parts together bit by bit under ground in a circular 27km/kilometer tunnel and make them donate an extra bunch of wizz kids to help you complete it?
As we all know and understand! Secret books just appear out of nowhere in the highest Universities that learn the physics of today and the possibilities of advancements in the same knowledge also!
These books do pop up with stuff that nobody has learnt before apart from its secret creator many of which never be found by name! Why?

We would react totally different to that of being told flying saucers are everywhere and get into a panic!
Knowing there is intelligent life on other planets just by notifying that the latest satellite has captured these amazing pictures! The public would be in awe and their conciousness opens up creating a new sense of life, one they doubted for many years!
We are on the pinicle tip of a revolution, a jump so far its beyond our imagionation, and it could possibly be in our own life span.
Written By: UFODI
25 Dec 2013
A Comprehensive Look At This Years Best UFO Sightings
2013 was a busy year for reports of ET visitation! Here's a compilation of UFODI's best sightings some of which are so bizzar there is no explination for what they could be, others will have skeptics jumping at the bait! What do you think?
UFODI News: Best UFO Sightings 2013
All full length videos are in the UFODI youtube video archives! Video is Varied in dates!
All full length videos are in the UFODI youtube video archives! Video is Varied in dates!
The Best UFO Sighting Of 2013 - Lithuania
This amazing footage is our years best capture!
Startled Gypsy travellers from Lithuania were amazed to see not one but two actual UFO's over their site, One of the objects is triangular in shape and hovering overhead " very silent" while another ascends from wooded area nearby shooting what appears to be red&white laser like beams to the surface in or around the area it was ascending from!
Lithuania is a hotspot for authentic unexplained sightings in the past! we have other footage from Lithuania with unexplained objects! What are these and where do they come from?
Numerous scientists and security forces have come forwards with their stories of UFO's shooting beams of light in and around highly secured Nuclear missile plants causing missiles to shut down and they have multiple high rank officer witness accounts, radar recordings, detailed descriptions, proof of radio active defects on suspected landings and all say that they are Extra Terrestrial in nature with speed over 20k mph.
Have we got visitors?
I say that question because the real truth was already out there for us to find in the masses on online media! a certain load of files are online that are all miss informed but fully true. They've been found! and widely viewed by the public. Search and discover!
23 Dec 2013
What On Earth Was The Inside L.A Supercell Cloud? Our answer is! UFO
Location: L.A U.S
A huge spinning intensely bright object is travelling in a tubular shaped cloud thats surrounded by lightning, the very unusual activity recorded over L.A has us baffled at what this may be. Witness states: I was watching an awesome lightening display when I saw this brilliant light start gliding across the sky. Once it went out of my line of vision this second one came into view and I videotaped it. My iPhone does not do what I saw justice. It was so beautiful. If you look in the cloud, the light inside is actually moving around as it glides across. So cool. Forgive the language and commentary. I was watching this by myself and I tend to talk to myself. Had I known I would be posting it for all to see I would have censored myself. I wish someone else could have seen it with me. I also apologize for the reflection of the kitchen light in the background and at the end my salt lamp. The most reasonable explanation is that it is a UFO. What do you think?
UFODI Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0f2a4RS1G9I
All UFODI publishing's are from our own archives!
If you believe in the UFO presence! Subscribe to UFODI today!
UFODI News: The Highest Viewed UFO Sighting Of 2013
The highest viewed UFO sighting of 2013! Possible Alien Abduction Or Logical Explination!
A super bright UFO descends upon the city of Akureyri Iceland and goes straight to the ground for landing in the heavily populated area! The object literally appears from high above the area out of no where and pulsates of a bright fiery object. The descent of the mysterious object ads to its credibility and it falls on a perfect 70% angle from appearing above to landing with lights flashing in a back garden of someones property. . What on Earth could this be? What produces such light during the day that comes from the skies and lands in a populated area? we would like to hear your opinion!
UFODI Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlLzDbCd_xU
A super bright UFO descends upon the city of Akureyri Iceland and goes straight to the ground for landing in the heavily populated area! The object literally appears from high above the area out of no where and pulsates of a bright fiery object. The descent of the mysterious object ads to its credibility and it falls on a perfect 70% angle from appearing above to landing with lights flashing in a back garden of someones property. . What on Earth could this be? What produces such light during the day that comes from the skies and lands in a populated area? we would like to hear your opinion!
UFODI Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlLzDbCd_xU
UFO Recorded! Shooting Beams While Moving Towards Larger Unidentified Flying Object! Lithuania
This is one of the most credible UFO videos online and UFODI are the only channel to publish the sighting which shows UFO's using Lazer style beams of light - (Weapon) - which is aimed to the surface!
The night began as a normal night to have a little alcohol and fun among a small group of people at a Caravan-Traveller site in Lithuania.
The group having fun notice a large dark Triangle hovering above them with lighting on the edges, While recording the scene an extremely bright light ascends from a wooded area and catches the attention of the whole group, while ascending a bright lined flash of light shoots from the mysterious light ball (Orb) the lazer styled beam was a shocking white line which is a colour not on the Lazer market! while again another appears which is Red nearer the end of the video!
We have studied this and conclude that its an actual occurence and real event!
Have you saw any strange activity over your area and recorded it? We would publish your story!
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOAGGrNqOo8
Writer: Paul Copeland
The night began as a normal night to have a little alcohol and fun among a small group of people at a Caravan-Traveller site in Lithuania.
The group having fun notice a large dark Triangle hovering above them with lighting on the edges, While recording the scene an extremely bright light ascends from a wooded area and catches the attention of the whole group, while ascending a bright lined flash of light shoots from the mysterious light ball (Orb) the lazer styled beam was a shocking white line which is a colour not on the Lazer market! while again another appears which is Red nearer the end of the video!
We have studied this and conclude that its an actual occurence and real event!
Have you saw any strange activity over your area and recorded it? We would publish your story!
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOAGGrNqOo8
Writer: Paul Copeland
22 Dec 2013
UFODI News: Latest UFO Sightings -- UFODI are now blogging --- MERRY CHRISTMAS ---- HAPPY NEW YEAR ----
We are an UFO reporting YouTube site and have now expanded on the social media scene!
Little do many of you know!
That 4 U.S presidents have admitted to seeing "Flying Saucers" during their time in Office!
That 9 countries have acknowledged the ET presence over their airspace and all were documented
on "radar" entering and leaving our atmosphere, all countries Governments and forces have wittingly asked
the U.S congress to acknowledge the presence to the people of the U.S.
That "Astronauts and Cosmonauts have acknowledged witnessing (Saucer-Disc-Tubular-Orb) shaped objects on land and in space!
That there are no declassified documents of many 75 minute dogfights with military and alien craft!
That the U.S have actually really got ET craft and technology that can advance our world and free the economy creating jobs while also cleaning the environment!
That UFODI have some videos that are in the 5% unexplained category!
We are "NEW" and next year will be explosive!!
UFODI Youtube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/UF0DI
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