26 Jun 2014

We Are Human Not Earthlings We Have One God - Good vs Evil

For many years there has been speculation about our history and how it has been changed in a way we have forgotten our true roots and focused our history on Books and science. The human! a word that all religions agree we are, yet all these religions seem to be in a religious war with each other claiming different Gods made us, why would warring religions claim we are all humans yet we live on a planet called Earth, these religions have used the word Human for thousands of years so who spread the knowledge worldwide that we are all the same race when travelling the oceans was very rare thousands of years ago! could it be that we all have One God and we are from another planet that might have been under a meteor threat so we traveled the nearest star that had a water world next to it? many people and scientists are starting to see how easy this explanation is as we are one planet that is ready to colonize Mars before two known Asteroid threats that could wipe our planet of life, are we colonizing Mars so that a few years after the big collision we will travel back to Earth to start a new Adam and Eve type of take over, the big beginning. The thought of an advanced civilization that learnt the universe is one huge magnetic and gravitational force and created anti magnetic and anti gravity craft which counters this universal power to travel the cosmos does not sound that far fetched as we are a technically advanced planet that is only 60 years old tech ways and already creating these devices and learning fast how to counter these magic cosmos powers seems to suggest that in our life time we might witness our Human race travelling stars and not the solar system. In ancient documented history there is sculptures and scrips that hint of advanced beings travelling to Earth, Could it be that they are Humans too? an older human race! a race that might not have visited here but actually dropping us off to here and we begged for them to come back, looking up and praying for the return as the planet was disease plagued and full of predators and poisonous insects making us move to the equator where life was more scarce and mainly desert areas where coastal and river bays lay for clean water and fish to help the growth of the population, building huge structure impossible to build today with the beast of machinery yet not building the craft that dropped us off as we had no mineral extracting methods or smoldering furnaces to replicate the star ships we needed to get off this planet called Earth. If the masses grew and went their own ways after a while of population growth they left with the knowledge that we are all human and not earthing.
Religion came along and with history being eroded and destroyed by us fighting each other for the best land we forgot our roots and chaos erupted! Did our space brother re visit to find destruction and they learnt our roots and our knowledge of One Gog from the planet we once lived! Maybe called Humania
. Some time in human history there was a dark force that interupted our religion and broke it up into many with multiple Gods, a race that knew it would end in a religious war which the US has started here in this time?
There is lots of stories of alien crafts appearing all over the US! Could they be the return of our ancient DNA brothers? ready to show their presence as long as the US stop this ridiculous religious war they have started under false statements and false codes of conduct and also stop shooting at the ships they travel in.
There is clear evidence that the nation of all nations including North Korea and Iran that is the must un trust worthy nation is the U.S as every word is a proven lie and it causes mass death and destruction, should we believe this nation when they say these craft don't come from other planets yet deny any knowledge of owning such craft? If the truth was told to the world and these ships land with spiritually enhanced beings who preach to One God and let us know the whole cosmos is teeming with life all preaching to One God would it change humanity to the point where faith has been restored? What will happen if there is an Evil entity God! Did this God take control of the US military and Congress after failing to take control of Hitler and Germany due to WW2? The US is 1000000% worse that 1940s Hitler run Germany, the orders of Death by the millions under false accusations is defanately the work of dark powers and not that of the Power of God, no nation should lie under Gods oath unless they are cursed by dark forces, a nation that fights for the belief in their God is that of a wholly nation, a spiritual nation. If we are fighting each other
claiming different beliefs yet accepting we are all humans living on a planet called earth then it suggests we came from One peaceful planet. Where is our documented history? who is hiding it? why is there different Gods and why do we believe in books only two thousand years old? who split us up? Aliens from a darker world! there is evidence in Egypt and around all equator nations that suggest travelers came a few thousand years ago and changed society. Understand one thing and one thing only there is one God and one God only! his name is unknown and only when you die do you meet his power. ET disclosure looks closer than ever, what if they make contact and we find they are us and we are them and all the Chaos was a global deception. Peace and love is God, war and death is Evil, the powers that be are 50/50.

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